Thursday, February 25, 2010
das "Netz der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten" Zitat aus dem Opera Buch von R. Steyer.
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Java Schulung: Abstrakte Datentypen
Abstrakte Datentypen
• Klassen sind die logische Erweiterung des Konzepts des ADT.
• In prozeduralen Sprachen werden ADT's durch Records (Pascal),
Structs (C), Common-Blöcke (Fortran) oder Copy-Strecken
(Cobol/PL1) realisiert.
• Dies sind jedoch lediglich reine Datencontainer.
• In der Objektorientierung werden diese ADT's um die Deklaration der
möglichen, erlaubten Manipulationen erweitert.
• Klasse ≡ Daten + Methoden
• Ein Objekt ist eine Instanz einer Klasse
– Der entsprechende Speicherplatz für die Daten ist alloziiert und die
Methoden können auf diese zugreifen
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Delphi XML Schulung Training Delphi Lernen
You will learn, Du wirst lernen:
Part 1 - Introduction to XML
Part 2 - The Document Object Model
Part 3 - Simple API for XML
Part 4 - Serving XML
Part 5 - Delphi XML Tools
Part 6 - XML in Use
Part 1 - Introduction to XML
Lesson 1 - History
An overview of XML, its origins and purpose. Several XML applications are highlighted including XHTML, MathML, SVG, SMIL, and RDF.
Lesson 2 - XML Syntax
Basic XML syntax, including elements and attributes, text and white space, processing instructions, CDATA sections, the XML prolog, and XML processors.
Lesson 3 - Document Type Definitions
DTDs describe the structure of classes of XML documents and provide the basis for their validation.
Lesson 4 - XML Schema
As an alternative to DTDs, XML Schema also let you define the structure of a class of XML documents. They provide additional functionality, especially in typing data content, and are themselves XML documents.
Lesson 5 - XPath and XPointer
XPointer enhances XLink to let you refer to parts of a resource. It builds on the XPath definition to provide a language for describing these sub-sections.
Lesson 6 - Extensible Stylesheet Language and Transformations
XML is designed to encode the content for an area of interest. Presentation abilities come from XSL and XSLT. Transformations let you convert your XML data into HTML, text, or even other XML documents.
Lesson 7 - XLink
The Extensible Linking Language (XLink) supplies abilities beyond the simple linking of HTML, including multiple paths, bi-directional paths, and fully external links.
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Part 2 - The Document Object Model
Lesson 8 - The Document Object Model
The DOM specification defines a standardized way of accessing or constructing an XML document. It models the hierarchical structure of a document through objects in memory.
Lesson 9 - Microsoft's Document Object Model
Microsoft's DOM provides most of the requirements of the standard DOM, while adding several essential extras. It also supports using XSLT on the document.
Lesson 10 - Open XML's Document Object Model
Open XML's DOM provides the same basic support as the previous implementation, but adds much extra functionality in the handling of internal and external DTDs. Open XML is a set of native Delphi classes, and is an open source project.
Lesson 11 - The Common DOM Framework
Introduced in Delphi 6, there is now a common set of DOM interfaces in Delphi. Several standard adapter units are available to allow various DOM implementations to be used through this framework, including Microsoft's and Open XML's. Additional adapters are available here for TurboPower's XML Partner and CUESoft's CUEXml package.
Part 3 - Simple API for XML
Lesson 12 - Simple API for XML
SAX provides an alternative way of parsing XML documents. It uses an event-based approach, calling nominated handlers at appropriate times. Thus, it does not need to hold the entire document in memory at the one time (as DOM does).
Lesson 13 - Microsoft's SAX Parser
Microsoft provides a SAX2-compliant parser with its XML package.
Lesson 14 - SAX for Pascal
An all-Pascal version of the SAX interfaces is available as the result of an open source project. Although this is not a standard part of the Delphi distribution it operates with many Delphi versions, and allows you to use many SAX-based or SAX-like parsers, including Microsoft's, Open XML, TurboPower's XML Partner, and Destructor.
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Part 4 - Serving XML
Lesson 15 - XML is Data
XML is really data, formatted to be both human and machine-readable. The source of this data is often a database. Included here is the movie-watcher database for use throughout the rest of the book.
Lesson 16 - Simple Text
Since XML is just text, you can easily generate it from a database as a string value.
Lesson 17 - Web Modules
Normally Delphi's Web modules deliver HTML back to the client, but there is no reason not to send XML instead. Again the XML comes form the database and is sent directly to the client.
Lesson 18 - DOM Generation
The DOM is designed to provide full-cycle handling of XML documents, from parsing, to generation and modification. Separate programs demonstrate each DOM in turn.
Lesson 19 - SAX Generation
With Microsoft's XML package comes the IMXWriter interface, a content handler than generates XML. And you can drive it programmatically to create your own documents. Similarly, components in the SAX for Pascal package let you achieve the same outcome.
Lesson 20 - Applying XSL Transformations
XSLT lets you transform XML content into other formats, often HTML, but also including straight text and RTF. Again Microsoft's DOM is used to perform the transformations.
Lesson 21 - XML Broker
Delphi 5 can use XML between a MIDAS server and client. Tie this client to a Web module and add Delphi's InternetExpress components and you have a Web front-end to your database.
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Part 5 - Delphi XML Tools
Lesson 22 - XML Data Binding
Data binding extends the common DOM framework to provide "real-world" objects, complete with properties, that represent the data in your XML document. A wizard generates the binding for you, allowing you to almost forget that the data came from an XML document. You can both read and update the underlying XML through the binding.
Lesson 23 - XML Mapper
A separate tool, the XML Mapper creates transformation definitions that let you convert an arbitrary XML document to and from the XML format used by client datasets. Using these transformations, you can load an XML document into a dataset, modify it using standard data-aware components, then save the changes back to the original document.
Lesson 24 - SOAP and Web Services
SOAP defines a messaging framework that can be used for remote procedure calls - better known as Web services. Wizards assist in the creation of your own Web services, and in the importing of definitions for existing Web services.
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Part 6 - XML in Use
Lesson 25 - Examination XML - Delphi Client
A Delphi client for XML documents that define examinations. Microsoft's DOM provides the parsing abilities, transforming the XML into a customized object model.
Lesson 26 - Examination XML - Web Client
Demonstrating the separation of content from presentation, this application reuses objects from the previous version to provide a Web-based interface to the examinations. It uses XSLT to convert the basic XML into HTML for display, based on Microsoft's XSLT engine.
Lesson 27 - XML Building Blocks
Built on top of the Common DOM framework of Delphi 6 and 7, XML Building Blocks is a suite of components that allow you to create plug-and-play XML applications.
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Delphi und XML Schulung bei der
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Aufbau eines Delphi-Programms
Aufbau eines Delphi-Programms
Delphi ist, anders als andere Programmiersprachen, strenger in Abschnitte eingeteilt. So dürfen zum Beispiel Variablen nicht an fast beliebigen Stellen deklariert werden, sondern nur an dafür vorgesehenen. Mehr: Delphi-Schulung
Aufbau des Hauptprogramms
Ein einfaches Konsolenprogramm (ein Textprogramm, das auf der Eingabeaufforderung läuft), besteht aus einem Programmkopf und einem Programmrumpf. Der Kopf besteht dabei aus dem Schlüsselwort program gefolgt von dem Programmnamen und einem Semikolon. Im Rumpf werden alle Variablen, Konstanten, Typen und Funktionen deklariert, danach folgt das Hauptprogramm zwischen den Schlüsselwörtern begin und end. Nach dem abschließenden end. dürfen keinerlei Anweisungen mehr folgen, "das Programm ist beendet, Punktum."
program Testprogramm; }- Kopf
{ Deklarationen } ┒
┠ Rumpf
begin ┃